Carlos possesses innate leadership skills that have been the wind behind Desafi's sails. Aside from his work on technological development, Carlos is a philanthropist who gives back to the community whenever the opportunity arises. He has built Desafi along with Chase, keeping in mind business principles that exemplify the work of Mark Cuban.
Chase has co-founded Desafi Inc with technological evolution in mind. His dream is to not only produce a product, but to change the market in a way that resonates throughout the industry. Desafi represents Chase's mother's maiden name.
Our team is available to you when you have questions, ideas, or the need for a new feature on your site or app.
We are committed to providing you with quality design and development that consistently provides return on your investment.
Impactful technology solutions come from our investment in understanding your business.
Our talented team of designers, strategists, and developers are passionate about their craft and always up for a challenge.